
Canned SPAM Opener

My morning routine is simple. I get up, get dressed, brush my teeth, and delete the 350 emails I got over night. Be honest. When was the last time you opened an email that wasn’t from your bank, boss, or best friend? Whenever a client asks me for help writing…

Playing with Fire

Perhaps you’ve heard of the Greek demigod, Prometheus, the ‘thief of fire.’ According to the legend, cunning Prometheus betrayed the gods to steal fire for humanity’s survival. And although he was punished for his audacity, Prometheus is remembered as the father of innovation, arts, and science in Greek culture. For…

It’s Like Pulling a Rabbit Out of a Hat

You might be familiar with the television cartoon character, Bullwinkle J. Moose, who says to his best friend, Rocket J. Squirrel, every single Saturday morning, “Hey, Rocky. Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat. Nothing up my sleeve.” The TV series originally aired in 1959, was recast in 2018,…

Emojis: Worth 1,000 Words?

There are 3,782 emojis in the Unicode Standard, according to Until approximately 10 minutes ago, I didn’t know there was an “official” standard index. I also learned, about five minutes ago, that a Senior Emoji Lexicographer writes the definitions. Yes, it’s a real, and highly valued, position. The Unicode…

Where It Well

Most of us wear things which provide subtle clues about our personalities. Maybe it’s a favorite band tee, or the company logo emblazoned across a polo shirt. Our preferred brand of jeans or a shirt advertising where we’ve been are also communicators of who we are as people. I got…


Your co-worker’s email read: “See you tomorrow.” You naturally assumed you would see them at the meeting. It was going to involve a critical discussion. So, when they went MIA and were nowhere to be found, you panicked. Turns out, your colleague was at the meeting. Virtually. We all make…

Edit – Your – Oral

Go on… say it out loud! Edit. Your. Oral. Now, say it faster. I’m going for a bit of a play on words here. Editorial. Edit. Your. Oral. Cheeky? Get to the point?! An editorial is defined as a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that…

If Less is More and More is More…

Is it Time to Say No More? It goes without saying that bad communications decisions almost always result in negative consequences. (Oh wait, I just said it.) Communications are usually the first thing that a client will complain about when things don’t go as expected. At a minimum, frustration. Ultimately,…

Play “Offs”

It’s NBA playoff time. Our favorite teams are defending, rebounding, and shooting from the paint on courts across the country, hoping to make enough buckets to head into the finals. It was widely reported in 2023 that each playoff game had an average of 5.47 million viewers, making it the…

Do You “C” It?

“We eat first with our eyes,” according to Marcus Gavius Apicius, a First Century Roman famous in his time for his love of food (and authoring a cookbook). In fact, researchers long ago learned that our brains gain information about the foods we eat simply by looking at them. Color…