Stop the Scroll. Take a Stroll.

Decorative Wave

Scrolling is one of life’s daily activities. We spend approximately 17 hours every week, or a whopping 864 hours each year, scrolling through apps. In contrast, Americans share fewer than three hours in a given week with friends.

It’s easy to go straight to social media as a prime communications tool. It helps us feel connected. In the know. The topics are endless. And we can filter them to meet our interests.

But when we scroll, we are also confronted with information which is completely out of our control. Nearly 22 percent of all social media posts are advertisements. That means that we are giving over 3.75 hours of our weekly scroll time to uninvited guests.

The irony is that one-on-one engagement is still considered the most effective means to share ideas and get our point across. In other words, maybe it’s time we take a stroll. Share time with each other. Socializing is good for our brains. It assists with our cognitive function, improves our collaborative skills, and it can be fun.

In business, research shows that the most effective form of advertising is word of mouth. It’s also key to building trust. As professionals, networking allows us to get to know potential customers and clients on a personal level. From connections come referrals and ultimately working relationships.

My advice. Stop the scroll. Take a stroll.

Categories: Consequence