Innovation’s Following

Decorative Wave

Scroll through Instagram and LinkedIn feeds. Follow along. Loads of product ads. Photos capturing entertainment events. Influencer posts. Industry research. Networking and employment opportunities. Celebrations of success.

A common theme across the countless one-second threads competing for our attention is the ideal that we need to commit to innovation. It’s a big word with different meanings, and more importantly, interpretations. Certainly, new and exciting come immediately to mind. Creative action. Change making. Future driven.

When we follow an innovation’s achievement, we quickly learn that behind each story is a passion and effort which creativity demands. Not something momentary or fleeting. Rather, the willingness to be “in it” for the long haul. Tiny movements forward. And back. Along with enormous jumps ahead. It’s all part of the growth and development process. When we think of innovation the most famous stand at attention. Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers, Steve Jobs, and Nikola Tesla. We all know their hyper-staggering stories. Innovation that has forever changed the world.

There are not many of us who will ever have the opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with the greatest of all time. And that’s okay. It doesn’t mean that creativity stands still waiting for milestones which have yet to be considered. 

Innovation has a following in each of us. It can be something as simple as developing an original presentation to deliver stale information. Making a change to improve a metric. Refining an onboarding process. Thinking about how we spend our free time.

All require thought, creativity, and innovation. Challenge yourself for a few minutes every day to be an innovator. To make a small adjustment. Take a moment to look inward at what you have to offer. It’s there waiting to be explored.

Categories: Creativity