
Decorative Wave

Your post received 140,847 impressions. Your views are up 800 percent this week, according to the analytics. Wow, you say to yourself. My team is crushing it!

Why the sudden jump? You’ve been hard at work. Crafting innovative articles. Driving contemporary thought. Encouraging achievement.


You published a photo of yourself standing alongside a famous NFL player. He was the keynote at a youth education event, sponsored by your firm.

There it is! It’s not you. It’s definitely him.

So what? It’s a win. It doesn’t matter if a football team is up at the end of the game by 1 or 21, they get the W. And so do you. Tens of thousands of people looked at your post. Saw the event. Learned something about your organization. Your mission. Your goals.

Take the W. You made a great impression!

Categories: Content