3, 2, 1… Make Contact

Decorative Wave

Americans like to count things. Our social media “likes.” The number of steps we take each day. The seconds left to the end of a football game quarter. There’s a psychology to it. Count up or down. Does one feel more positive than the other?

Take a moment to think about the things you count in business. Maybe it’s the number of words in a document you’re drafting. Or the number of people on a Zoom call. And you’re probably keeping a close eye on dollar amounts.

There’s an assumption that counting equates to contact. Take my first example of counting social media “likes.” This applies to “followers” as well. The higher the number, the better. Here’s my question. Who decided that?

I attended a marketing conference recently where the jealousy was palpable. One piece of the organization’s business had thousands of followers, while others had a few hundred. The assumption was quickly made that the division with the big numbers was leading the way, outdoing its counterparts. Until I asked, “What are you gaining by having so many followers?” The room went silent. Certainly, the business has goals. Sell more product, grow revenue, and increase visibility. But the metrics don’t necessarily equate. The followers enjoy the posts, and many make comments. However, they have not taken actions which are leading the business to measurable achievement.

It’s important to count, but I think it’s critical to make contact. It’s easy to haphazardly hit the like button or leave an emoji. It’s another to reach out, to get to know others, and to have a mindful exchange.

Whether counting up or down, count yourself in. Make contact.

Categories: Consequence